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Iceland's south coast is undoubtedly the most visited and liveliest part of the island.

And among all the visual wonders of this world apart is the Eskey River. This watercourse comes from the Kverkfjöll glacier and flows onto the plain before emptying into the ocean. It's a fascinating place, where serenity meets the epic and the grandiose. It's impossible to miss. So we stop the car, climb a small hill to admire it from above, and finally decide to go through the stone gates to get closer. The sun is shining brightly, warming the coolness typical of the island, and here we are, lying on the banks of this river, lulled by the softness of the flow.

Note : This soundscape was made from loops of a shorter recording. A minimum of post-production processing was applied in order to retranscribe the natural atmosphere of the place.

You can listen to this sound on youtube at this address:

Sound postcard version :

Technical informations :

Format: MP3 48KHz-16bits-256Kbs / FLAC 48KHz-24bits

duration: about 45 mins

Size: about 97Mo (MP3) / 1040Mo (FLAC)